I am so aware that for any good work to occur, you have to feel safe and comfortable with me and the process of our therapy together, and I know that people have usually been on quite a journey on their way to see me.
So with a metaphorical high five for even making it here, we start in a relaxed and comfy way as we get to know each other and find a good pace that feels right for you.
My therapeutic approach draws together several therapeutic modalities (e.g. AEDP, IFS, ACT). Each of these approaches begin with a curiosity about what’s really happening beneath the usual way of relating to our thoughts and feelings that we adopt to get through life.
As such, we tend to work with present moment experiences (emotions, feelings, memories) and get curious about how they might link up to things from the past and how they might be playing out in your life now.
Ultimately my goal is for you to feel more at home in your mind and body, with your full range of feelings, and a strong sense of authenticity.
Therapy is so much about the relationship too, so there is no obligation for people to continue after a first meeting if it isn’t feeling good. Particularly in this sort of work, I think it's worth trusting your gut and making sure it feels like the right fit.
We are only offering Telehealth for existing clients currently but keep an eye out for updates once we've snagged new rooms in NSW.
For existing clients wanting to make an appointment, please email:
The out-of-pocket cost for a 55 minute session is $82.95 - with a $220 initial fee and a Medicare rebate of $137.05. Rates and rebates are the same for face-to-face and Telehealth session.
You need a referral and Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) completed by your doctor to be eligible for the Medicare rebate.
Medicare currently provides rebates for 10 sessions per calendar year.
When you book your appointment with your GP, let the receptionist know that you are interested in getting a MHTP as they may need a double appointment.
Flume Psychology has a Did Not Attend / Late Cancellation Fee.
We need notice by 12:00 midday on the business day prior to your scheduled appointment time if you have to cancel or change your appointment.
Failure to do so will result in a $75 fee that cannot be rebated through Medicare.
This fee is to be paid prior to scheduling your next appointment.
The reason for this is that we create a time space just for you and aren’t usually able to offer it to another client at short notice.
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